Fawaz Saleem

Join us in this conversation where Fawaz talks about what he believes are the biggest challenges facing Muslims on University campuses.

Danial Jamal

Listen to our conversation where Danial explores the tensions between Canadian and cultural identities. He helps us understand the struggles many Canadian Muslim Youth face on a daily basis.

Ammar Mohiuddin

In our conversation with Ammar, he explains how his Muslim identity has helped to form the way he conducts himself in the world and what this means within a Canadian context.

Muslim Eldib

In this digital story, Muslim explores what he believes to be the synergistic relationship between Islamic and Canadian values. Our conversation explored what the future for Canadian Muslim Youth entails.

Mohamed Ahmed

Being an avid social activist, Mohamed explores how his Canadian identity helped to foster his desire for social change. He explores how living in Canada has impacted his Islamic identity and explores the difference between culture and religion.

Tuka Ali

In this conversation, Tuka explores how wearing the hijab impacts her Canadian and Muslim identities. She talks of how it affects her life as a Canadian and some of the struggles that she uniquely experiences.

Haidar Putra

Haidar has had a unique life living in many different countries such as Indonesia, the UAE, Canada, and many others. His experiences have helped to mould his unique Canadian identity that he shares with us in this digital story.

Ayesha Ahmed

Living in Ontario has given Ayesha a wide range of experiences to form her Canadian and Muslim identities. Watch this digital story to understand what being a Canadian Muslim means to her.